
Dentist in Lynn, MA

Dental implants are the ideal option to replace a lost tooth. It is because they are the closest to a natural tooth and are durable. They're also light and provide an excellent alternative to bridges and dentures.The procedure of replacing a tooth requires cutting into the gum, followed by the placement of implants. In the meantime, a temporary crown is placed to shield the abutment while maintaining an aesthetic appearance.Dental implants are a remarkable achievement in engineering. They consist of a titanium-based body and an enamel-coloured crown. Both are biocompatible and made to look and feel just like the natural tooth. There are many benefits to getting an implant for your teeth. For example, it will allow you to enjoy your favourite foods. It is also possible to enhance your smile and the overall health of your mouth. Teeth missing could harm your overall health, and they can also cause embarrassment. They may also lower your confidence in yourself. It's, therefore, essential to ensure that you're receiving the correct dental treatment.