
Clinics of Oncology | Oncology Journals | Open Acc

Clinics of OncologyTM (ISSN 2640-1037) - Impact Factor 2.794* is a medical specialty that focuses on the use of operative techniques to investigate and resolve certain medical conditions caused by disease or traumatic injury. It involves cutting, abrading, suturing, or otherwise physically changing body tissues and organs. Surgery can have many possible purposes, such as to improve bodily function, enhance physical appearance, or repair damaged or ruptured areas. This may mean removing tissue, altering tissue or simply changing the way the human body works with treatments performed inside the body. Our Journal has practical authoritative information about procedures, clinical advances, and major trends shaping general surgery. Each issue features original scientific contributions. To ensure top quality of the articles, all the information that is submitted to be published in the journal is peer-reviewed and also checked by the expert's Journal is committed to benefiting the research scholars who are conducting researches on different realms of surgery.